Atom String Quartet - Places (2012) >
Atom String Quartet - Places (2012)
Oficjalna strona zespou (pol.) . The Solidatity of Arts concert brought a fruitful and joyful collaboration with Bobby McFerrin and Gil Goldstein and was released on DVD. Current members[edit]. About Press Copyright Creators Advertise Developers +YouTube Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Send feedback Try something new! . Atom String Quartet polski kwartet smyczkowy grajcy jazz. by Atom String Quartet 2 years ago9,960 views Gil Goldstein & Atom String Quartet - 07 zgo si (Wodzimierz Korcz)Solidarity of Arts 2013 "McFerrin +" - Gdask, Poland, 17.08.2013Gil Goldstein - accordionAtom String QuartetDawid Lubowi. .. Atom String Quartet Background information Origin Warsaw, Poland Genres Jazz Occupation(s) Chamber ensemble Years active 2010-present Labels Kayax Website Members Dawid Lubowicz, Mateusz Smoczyski, Micha Zaborski, Krzysztof Lenczowski .
Kwartet mia okazj wsppracowa z takimi osobowociami jak: Urszula Dudziak, Kayah, Aga Zaryan, Agnieszka Hekiert, Jerzy Maksymiuk, Janusz Olejniczak, Vladislav Adzik Sendecki, Krzesimir Dbski, Wojciech Staroniewicz, Adam Sztaba, Grzech Piotrowski, Krzysztof Herdzin, Marcin Nowakowski, Jzef Skrzek, a take zespoami: World Orchestra Grzecha Piotrowskiego, Sinfonia Viva oraz Kwartet Gralski Sebastiana Karpiela Buecki i Motion Trio. by Krzysztof LenczowskiBranford Marsalis - soprano saxophoneMino Cinelu - cajonDawid Lubowicz - vi. Miosz Woko)Janusz Olejniczak - fortepianAtom String Quartet:Dawid Lubowicz - skrzypceMateusz Smoczyski - skrzypceMicha Zaborski - altwkaKrzysztof Lencz. Although, as is typical for a dbut recording, it is uneven, it announces a band that may in the future bring a new and original voice not only to the Polish but to the European scene. Spis treci 1 Dyskografia 2 Nagrania wideo 3 Nagrody i wyrnienia 4 Przypisy 5 Linki zewntrzne . March 2014, sources:, wikipedia,,, Jazz Forum. The project was initiated by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in 2008 and is since a synonym of young, interesting Polish music of highest quality. Wykonuje gwnie wasne kompozycje, inspirowane rytmami latynoskimi, folklorem irlandzkim, melodiami hiszpaskimi oraz motywami z rnych regionw Polski. iTunes for Mac + PC Places Atom String Quartet View More by This Artist Open iTunes to preview, buy, and download music.
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